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Key Laboratories  

"Cognitive Science" National Ethic Affairs Commission Key Laboratories

Based on neuroscience and neural engineering, the laboratory uses modern scientific means such as neurophysiology, neuroimaging, signal detection and processing and artificial intelligence to perform a multi-scale study of neural mechanism and information characteristics related to cognitive activities from microscopic to macroscopic. Currently the major research content involves stereoscopic vision mechanism, visual cognitive computational model, brain-computer interface, EEG lie detection, nerve compensation, nerve pain mechanism, diagnosis and intervention of clinical psychiatric diseases etc.

"Medical Information Analysis and Tumor Diagnosis and Treatment" Key Laboratory in Hubei

Jointly set up by South-central University For Nationalities and Hubei Cancer Hospital, "Medical Information Analysis and Tumor Diagnosis and Treatment" Key Laboratory in Hubei, a new platform based on the talents and discipline advantages of biomedical engineering major of South-central University For Nationalities, as well as the resources and industry advantages of Hubei Cancer Hospital, is built to further study of theories and methods of medical information processing and tumor diagnosis and treatment, and to promptly and effectively applies the research results in clinical practice. At present, the laboratory carries out continuous and profound basic research and application development with its own characteristics on four directions: "signal transduction and tumor pathogenesis", "tumor information detection and evaluation","medical image processing and tumor auxiliary diagnosis", human modeling and tumor accurate treatment.


地址:中南民族大学16号楼  电话:027-67841231

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技术支持:生物医学工程学院 | 回到主页