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时间:2024-03-22 作者: 点击:

报告题目Some Recent Results on Wasserstein Convergence Rates for Empirical Measures



报告时间2024年3月23日 16:00-17:00

报告摘要It is well known that, given a stationary and ergodic Markov process, various limit theorems for the empirical measure can be derived. It is interesting but usually challenging to quantify the rate of convergence of empirical measures to the target measure in terms of metrics on probability measures. The talk is about some recent results on rates of convergence for the Wasserstein metric between empirical measures and the target measure associated with i.i.d. sequences, diffusion processes and fractional Brownian motions.

报告人简介:黎怀谦,2011年获得北京师范大学和法国勃艮第大学博士学位;毕业之后跟吴黎明教授做了两年博士后,并在澳洲国立大学和麦考瑞大学做过一年的博士后;曾就职于四川大学数学学院;2018年至今在天津大学应用数学中心工作。主要研究领域是随机分析,相关研究论文发表于Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées、Journal d'Analyse Mathématique、Science China Mathematics等期刊,研究成果被Inventiones mathematicae等论文引用。
