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时间:2023-05-15 作者: 点击:

报告题目:Directly and Simultaneously Expressing Absolute and Relative Treatment Effects in Medical Data Models and Applications




报告摘要:Logistic regression is widely used in the analysis of medical data with binary outcomes to study treatment effects through (absolute) treatment effect parameters in the models. However, the indicative parameters of relative treatment effects are not introduced in logistic regression models, which can be a severe problem in efficiently modeling treatment effects and lead to the wrong conclusions with regard to treatment effects. This paper introduces a new enhanced logistic regression model that offers a new way of studying treatment effects by measuring the relative changes in the treatment effects and also incorporates the way in which logistic regression models the treatment effects. The new model, called the Absolute and Relative Treatment Effects (AbRelaTEs) model, is viewed as a generalization of logistic regression and an enhanced model with increased flexibility, interpretability, and applicability in real data applications than the logistic regression. The AbRelaTEs model is capable of modeling significant treatment effects via an absolute or relative or both ways. The new model can be easily implemented using statistical software, with the logistic regression model being treated as a special case. As a result, the classical logistic regression models can be replaced by the AbRelaTEs model to gain greater applicability and have a new benchmark model for more efficiently studying treatment effects in clinical trials, economic developments, and many applied areas. Moreover, the estimators of the coefficients are consistent and asymptotically normal under regularity conditions. In both simulation and real data applications, the model provides both significant and more meaningful results.

报告人简介:张正军,中国科学院大学经济管理学院教授、威斯康辛大学统计学教授。致力于经济及金融领域的非线性、非对称、非中心的统计推断核心理论和量化建模研究工作。围绕尾部,非线性和非对称的变量相依关系刻画;金融系统性风险的建模和管理;汇率预测模型和虚拟标准数字货币的构建;计量经济学模型在其它领域的应用四个方面。 106篇论文发表在经济、金融、统计学领域的国际顶级期刊上。美国统计协会会士和国际数理统计学院会士。曾经担任JE金融工程与风险管理特刊共同主编、现为JASA、JBES、JDS、EJS、Statistica Sinica副主编。
