
The Lectures delivered from Professor Hongzhe Sun (the University of Hong Kong)

Release time:2021-01-10 Number of views:


      On 30, May, Professor. Hongzhe Sun from the University of Hong Kong took a wonderful lecture of metallomics and metalloproteomics based approaches to explore the mechanism of metallodrug for students and faculty.

      It is crucial to identify metal-protein interactions at a proteome-wide scale which are difficult due to certain weak and transient interactions. Professor Sun developed an integrated approach to identify metal-associated proteins using bismuth and silver as an example. They have identified metal-associated proteins as well as to quantify the metals for rapid metallome/proteome-wide profiling of metal-binding proteins. They also show that an integrative metallomic approach together with metabolomics represents a powerful tool to uncover metallo-proteome in microbes as well as pharmacology of metallodrugs. Metallodrugs may readily restore antibiotics activity, representing a simple way to combat against antimicrobial resistance.

      Prof. Hongzhe Sun, Norman and Cecilia Yip Professorship in Bioinorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, The University of Hong Kong. Prof. Sun's research interests lie in the chemistry of metals in biology and medicine. He has been invited to deliver lectures in various international conferences including the prestigious "Gordon Conference on Metals in Medicine" and "International Conference on Biological Inorganic Chemistry". He has published over 180 papers in solid chemical and biochemical journals(ACIE, Acc Chem Res, JACS, JBC, Nat Comm, PNAS). He serves in the Editorial Advisory Board ofThe Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry(Springer, 2007-2009) andThe Open Medicinal Chemistry Journal(Bentham Science Publisher).