“Three-wide Education”: Juniors of Insurance Major in School of Economics had an Employment Risk Guidance Lecture
Time:2022-10-16 number of visits:

  On the afternoon of October 5, 2022, Li Chunlei, the  Deputy Director of the Enrollment and Employment Department of  the University, gave the junior students of insurance major a  lively and interesting guidance lecture on employment risks in  the class of  Risk Management in the School of Economics.

  Centering on the goal of “Achieving Employment Well”,  Li Chunlei used detailed data to analyze various factors  affecting employment and identify various employment risks for  the students, based on the employment situation of the whole  country, South-Central Minzu University and the School of   Economics in recent years. For example, COVID-19, Sino-US trade  friction, Ukrainian crisis resulted in increasing economic  downward pressure; some external objective risks such as  structural imbalance of labor supply and demand, the increasing number of graduates year by year led to the uncertainty of employment; and some internal subjective risks such as lack of  internship experiences, high employment expectations, and  insufficient practical abilities also caused the uncertainty of employment. To address these risks, Mr. Li proposed the  corresponding strategies for the students. He hoped that students would change their employment concepts, lower their employment expectations, survive before development, and pay attention to cultivating personal abilities while mastering professional knowledge. Finally, Mr. Li suggested early positioning, early choice and early preparation and other suggestions to guide everyone to make a scientific and rational choice.

  Mr. Li's presentation was detailed, illustrated and lively, which was highly received by the students. Inviting teachers from relevant functional departments to the classes was an effective attempt by the School of Economics to implement the effective linkage of "enrollment, training and employment", and continuously improve the quality of talents, as well as a powerful measure to refine the “Three-wide Education”.